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ONEHOPE wine has agreed to sponsor a campaign for My Refuge House! For the next four weeks, if you order a bottle of wine from ONEHOPE, and choose “My Refuge House” as your charity of choice, we will directly receive 10% of the profits for that bottle. AND if you use this LINK, we will receive […]

Culinary Therapy

What are your most poignant memories from childhood? For many of us, memories of helping our mothers cook hold a particular place in our hearts. The smell of wonderful things that you will soon get to taste, helping to measure ingredients or stir the contents of the bowl, sinking up to your elbows in bubbles to wash […]

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More Services, and the Miracles that Make Them Possible

Since we opened the first building on our property, our home has often been filled beyond the capacity for which it was built. It was built to hold 12 girls, but there have been times when 15 girls have been living together under this roof. Thankfully, we have blueprints already in place to continue construction […]